We can talk about the Philosopher's Stone, transmuting lead into gold and whatnot. That's fine and dandy, but I'm much more interested in the idea of -refinement.- Natural philosophy. Attaining purification while seeming to attend to other (unrelated) things. I'm aiming to purify myself. Let's boil this for a while and skim off the dross. Work our way to finer and finer things. I'm getting rid of that which mo longer strengthens, supports, or excites me. I'm taking that list of things I feel I -should- be doing, and by golly, I'm going to do them. Not all of them, but I'm getting there.
Always an issue with me. Perfectionism. A past that is highlighted by some amazingly hard blows. Life is much more stable these days, so I find new things to agonize over. Here is where I intend to let those things go. See above - that which does not serve me will be left behind.
And here is the heart of the matter. I accept myself - where I am today and how I got here. Does this mean stagnation? Good grief, no! I'm making plans and moving forward. I'm almost 35, people, don't you think it's time I stopped living in the past? Shouldn't I love myself a little more by now? I realized a little while ago that I -do- love myself, and I've really come to appreciate what I've been through, and that I made it through all that crap at all! I'm here. I made it. I'm still standing, strong and mostly unwounded.
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